Pincode of Nagaland Kiphire District, All pincode of Kiphire district, Nagaland Kiphire District Postoffice Pincode number, Indian State Nagaland Kiphire all Post Office Pincode Details, Contact/phone number, Kiphire Postal pincode List
Location | District | State |
Anatonger Gref Camp | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Chomi | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Fakim | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Hakumute | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Honito | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Iponger | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Khong | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Khongjiri | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Khongkha | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Kiphire Ghs Comp. | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Kiphire Hq | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Kiphire Sadar | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Langkoker | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Langzanger | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Lhep | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Lofukhong | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Longkhimong | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Longthonger | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Luthur | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Mimi | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Moya | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Mutingkhong | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Natsami | Kiphire | Nagaland |
New Vongti | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Nikiya (ur) | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Nitoi | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Penkim | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Phelonger | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Pungro | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Pungro Hq | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Pungro Vill. | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Salumi | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Shishimi | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Singrep | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Sitimi | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Sitimi Hq | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Sitimi Vill. | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Tekivong | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Thanamir | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Thazuvi | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Tsar Farm | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Tsutang | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Vongti | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Wongtsowang | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Xuvishe (ur) | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Yangsekyu | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Zaonger | Kiphire | Nagaland |
Zimkiur | Kiphire | Nagaland |