226012 Pincode location and area name, 226012 Pincode details with state, district, taluka, city, village, postoffice name, 226012 postoffice list, location list and area list

Location Pincode District State
World Bank Colony Lda Colony 226012 Lucknow
Transport Nagar-ii 226012 Lucknow
Transport Nagar-i 226012 Lucknow
Transport Nagar State Bank Of India Lda Colony 226012 Lucknow
Transport Nagar Rly Stn. Lda Colony 226012 Lucknow
Transport Nagar Rly Colony Lda Colony 226012 Lucknow
Transport Nagar Bal Vidya Niketan Girls Inter College Lda Colony 226012 Lucknow
Swaroop Chand Khera 226012 Lucknow
Sulabh Awash Yojna Lda Colony 226012 Lucknow
Smriti Vihar Colony Lda Colony 226012 Lucknow
Shaubhagya Appartment Phase 1&2 Lda Colony 226012 Lucknow
Sentensday Lda Colony 226012 Lucknow
Sector-n Kanpur Road 226012 Lucknow
Sector-b4 Lda Colony 226012 Lucknow
Sector-b Uppal Mall Kanpur Road 226012 Lucknow
Sector-b Saroj Hospital Lda Colony 226012 Lucknow
Sector-b Lok Bandhu Raj Narayan Hospital Lda Colony 226012 Lucknow
Sector-b Kushtha Ashram Lda Colony 226012 Lucknow
Sector-b Green Medical Centre Lda Colony 226012 Lucknow
Sector- D-1 New Public Inter Coolege Lda Colony 226012 Lucknow
Sector- D Uco Bank Lda Colony 226012 Lucknow
Sector- D Swatantra Degree College Lda Colony 226012 Lucknow
Sector- D Subji Mandi & Fish Market Lda Colony 226012 Lucknow
Sector- D Rohtah Appartment Lda Colony 226012 Lucknow
Sector- D Rajdhani Nagar Sahkari Bank Lda Colony 226012 Lucknow
Sector- D Lock Bandhu Roj Niwas Awas Lda Colony 226012 Lucknow
Sector- D Duplex Lda Colony 226012 Lucknow
Sector- D Akhil Bhartiya Inter College Lda Colony 226012 Lucknow
Sector- D Kanpur Road 226012 Lucknow
Sector- D Barah Birwah 226012 Lucknow
What is Pincode?
Postal Index Number or PIN or Pincode is the numbering of the post office or post code system used by India Post. The PINcode is 6 digits long. First digit reflects region, second the sub-region, third the sorting district, and last three represent the post office code. India has nine PIN zones.
Frequently Asked Questions

1) 226012 Which Area zip code?
2) 226012 Which Area pin code?
3) 226012 pin code area name