797117 Pincode location and area name, 797117 Pincode details with state, district, taluka, city, village, postoffice name, 797117 postoffice list, location list and area list
Location | Pincode | District | State |
United Bank Nst Colony Colliery Colony | 797117 | Dimapur | |
Sub Jail Junction Dimapur Govt. College Oriental Colony | 797117 | Dimapur | |
Sib Office C. Road Upto Metro Hospital | 797117 | Dimapur | |
Oriental Insurance Office Circular Road Both Side United Insurance Office | 797117 | Dimapur | |
Lotha Colony Sewak Rio Colony Sewak Complex Upto Gate No.ii. | 797117 | Dimapur | |
Island Colony Lake View Colony Nymu Loth Colony Upto Argi Office | 797117 | Dimapur | |
Industrial Razephe Village St. Edmand School Director Of Supply | 797117 | Dimapur | |
Holy Cross Police Point Vijaya Bank Lici Office | 797117 | Dimapur | |
Dimapur Mission School Khermahal Naga Cemetery Road | 797117 | Dimapur | |
Commissioner Of Taxes Office Dc Office Hill View Colony | 797117 | Dimapur | |
City Tower Junction Nagaland State Co-operative Bank (ho) Church Colony | 797117 | Dimapur | |
Axis Bank United Commercial Company Bishops House | 797117 | Dimapur | |
Adc Charali Adc Road Gm Nst Office | 797117 | Dimapur |