797120 Pincode location and area name, 797120 Pincode details with state, district, taluka, city, village, postoffice name, 797120 postoffice list, location list and area list
Location | Pincode | District | State |
Sechuma | 797120 | Kohima | |
Sechu(zubza) | 797120 | Kohima | |
Sechu | 797120 | Kohima | |
Phesama | 797120 | Kohima | |
Pfuchama | 797120 | Kohima | |
Peducha | 797120 | Kohima | |
Kiruphema Bawe | 797120 | Kohima | |
Kiruphema Basa | 797120 | Kohima | |
Phq Junction Phq Boc | 797120 | Kohima | |
New Ministers Hill Minster Hill Kohima | 797120 | Kohima | |
Lower P.r.hill Para Medical Road | 797120 | Kohima | |
Lfs Colony L.f.s Kohima | 797120 | Kohima | |
Kohima High Court Bench High Court Bench Kohima | 797120 | Kohima | |
Yezami | 797120 | Zunhebotto |